Tuesday 24 March 2020

Online Chess match

Thanks to efforts by Andrew Wilson, we have arranged to play an online match v Wigston on Thursday 26th March.
The number of boards will depend on how many players each club has. So if we have 11 players registered and Wigston have 10, there will be 10 boards.
Each player will have two games of 20 minutes each, with a 10 second increment, against the same Wigston player.   Essentially it is the same format as the Harrod Cup.
The match will start at 7.30.
We look forward to a good match, and will publish the result here shortly after it finishes.
The match ended in a 7-7 draw, which was an excellent result for our heavily outgraded club.
Not sure who all the Wigston players are, but our heroes are :-
Roy Evans, Andrew Wilson, Mick(y) Brown, Sean McDonald, Neil Roberts, David Holmes and Stephen Holmes.